The game also comes packed with the original music themes of WizzyWhipItWonderful. The second is the ‘HyperDBZ – Detailed Movelist’, which is a folder. One is the ‘HyperDBZ – Printable-Movelist’ (opens with Wordpad / Word), which as the name suggests, allows to be printed so you can have a neat movelist lying in front of you whilst playing the game. Both are located in the ‘information & movelist’ folder. This build also comes with two brand new movelists. The Champ’s Build version of Hyper Dragon Ball Z contains updates and re-balances to all the existing characters and adds new characters as well as a couple of new stages and a more polished screenpack. However, and contrary to other MUGEN titles, this one seems really polished and comes with reworked sprites for pretty much all characters. Hyper Dragon Ball Z is basically a MUGEN 2D DBZ fighting game. Ronnie Dieleman has released a new version of Hyper Dragon Ball Z.